Junko grew up listening to Punk Rock—Noise; Shonen Knife, Blondie, Sonic Youth. And the name of the album is inspired by her mother who always shouted at her when listening to music too loud: "Zunko! Zunko! Zunkooo!!!"
The outside border (the dark-colored brush strokes) is to portray about life around her. People say when we were kids, everything in the world fell into either of these two categories; wrong or right—black or white. But not for her. So, she trying to break it out with her youthful spirit that so dynamic and vigorous, represent by the clouds that seem to pop-out of the background.
The shades of blue painted background and abstract brush strokes mean her life. Junko's life is a blank canvas. She’ve got her whole life to work on her painting, fill that canvas with the most beautiful, meaningful, badass painting she can conjure. Giving herself a distinctive marginal space to not have to commit herself to either black or white.