Immagine del servizio

Unique book cover design

esclusa la commissione della piattaforma del 5%
7 giorni
tempo di esecuzione

servizio Copertine per libri

After carefully going through your brief and moodboard, I usually offer 3 rough concepts. Depending on initial feedback, we decide which route to take and can do up to 3 revisions. Communication is essential in creating a great finished design, and it's preferable to provide a few visual examples of the style you're looking for.

The service includes front cover, back cover and spine.

If stock images are used, the client is responsible for buying them.

Cosa otterrai

Print files are delivered in CMYK mode, unless using Pantone colors. In the event of using special printing techniques (letterpress, foil, UV etc.), it is best to mention beforehand.
Fonts are outlined including the link for purchase.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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