Titolo e autore
The Life Transformation Workbook: 40+ Exercises to help you Discover Your Purpose, Create Your Life Vision, and Much More!
Hunter Carson
Foto dell'autore
Biografia dell'autore
Hunter is both a serial entrepreneur and performance coach. He has created and manages several real estate investment companies around the Atlanta, GA area and has helped dozens of clients with their personal and professional goals. His mission is to “Empower, encourage, and coach others to examine their lives and vocations so that they find purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.”
Descrizione del libro
This workbook was created to provide actionable steps to help you make positive changes in your life. Through these 40+ exercises you will:
Create a life vision that excites you
Discover your purpose or “Why”
Set multiple goals in various life areas
Eradicate limiting beliefs
Work to change unwanted emotions
Implement powerful habits and routines in your life
Understand your core values and needs
Take action on your ideal life
Think of ways to make more money
Strengthen your faith
….and much more!
Despite having more conveniences, greater technology, and more options to choose from in life, most of us still don’t know what it is that we truly want from life. We are trapped in jobs we aren’t passionate about, relationships that aren’t satisfying, and negative patterns that create stress, anxiety, unhappiness, and unfulfillment. We don’t seem to have a vision for our lives. Or, if we do have a vision, it’s very loose and we don’t know how to make it a reality. Often, fatigue, stress, life transitions, lack of resources, futuristic desires, or a midlife crisis call us to re-examine our lives.
On top of this, it seems that hardly anyone wants to talk about these important issues thanks to the constant busy-ness, stimulation, and lack of depth in our society. There are a plethora of books that touch on these subjects, but most of them fail to have actionable steps that hold you accountable to making positive changes.
For a fraction of the cost of a coach or counselor, you can go through this workbook at your own pace and in the privacy of your own home while still getting tremendous breakthroughs. You will finish this workbook with a greater sense of self-awareness, clarity, and excitement for your life ahead!
Pubblico di riferimento
Specifically young men between the ages of 18-30.
People that are unsure what career to pursue, or what career path is right for them.
Type A achievers who want to get further ahead
Self improvement fanatics who want a practical guide to help them take action on what they have learned.
Dettagli fisici del libro
Tipo di copertina di libro
Ancora non lo so
Parte anteriore della copertina
- Titolo
- Nome dell'autore
- Sottotitolo
Dettagli della parte anteriore della copertina
The title is: The Life Transformation Workbook
Subtitle is: 40+ Exercises to help you Discover Your Purpose, Create Your Life Vision, and Much More!
I would prefer the title being much bigger than the subtitle. The author's name doesn't have to be very big on the cover.
Retro della copertina
- Breve descrizione
- Codice a barre/ISBN
- Biografia dell'autore
Dettagli del retro della copertina
The first part of the back should be the description or blurb that I have included.
Underneath can be Author bio and picture and the barcode to the bottom right.
- Titolo
- Nome dell'autore
Dettagli del dorso
The title should be much larger than the author's name. Subtitle on the spine is optional.
Editore del libro
Kindle Direct Publishing
Dettagli dell'ebook
Prima pagina
- Titolo
- Nome dell'autore
- Sottotitolo
Dettagli della prima pagina dell'ebook
Same cover as for physical book
Ultima pagina
- Breve descrizione
- Biografia dell'autore
Dettagli dell'ultima pagina dell'ebook
Same as for physical book.
Casa editrice dell'ebook
Amazon Kindle
Idee di design
Colori da sperimentare

Altri requisiti di colore
Visione creativa
Caratteristiche dello stile
Richieste di design
I am looking for a professional yet cultivating book cover design. It can be a simple, but elegant design that is sure to attract eyeballs. I like bold color palettes: nothing too busy with a simple color scheme of 2-3 colors.
Book covers I like:
The 4 Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss
Book Launch by Chandler Bolt
Grit by Angela Duckworth
The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks
Please read over the workbook description to get an idea of what this workbook is about.
I think neutrals, blues, and purples might look best but would be open to other colors.
Che cosa evitare
This workbook cover shouldn't look elementary with a bright color scheme. The font should be professional.
Immagini di stock
Il cliente ha acconsentito all'uso di materiale di stock in questo contest.
Le immagini di stock sono foto e file vettoriali concessi in licenza. Dichiara le immagini di stock quando invii i design, in modo che i clienti possano acquistare le licenze.
File finali del contest
1 x Copertina per libro da stampare
Vincitore di questo contest
1 x Copertina per ebook
File finali
Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.