Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
The Club at Summers Corner
Slogan da inserire nel logo
Descrizione della società e del suo target
We are looking to create a logo for our new club being built within our established masterplan community, Summers Corner. Ideally we would like to pair this logo with the Summers Corner logo and also have it designed with the Summers Corner logo. I will attached the Summers Corner logo to this project.
Summers Corner masterplan website:
We don't want this to look too modern, but also need to appeal to the older buyers as well. As you can see from Summers Corner's- it's brand personality is all about the "garden/nature". Some key words on the Summers Corner brand: unfiltered, simple (decluttered, healthier), crafted (homemade), reflective, traditional (Southern values, front porches, tire swings, sweet tea), small town.
Colori da sperimentare
Altri requisiti di colore
Please use the colors I upload.
Caratteristiche dello stile
Idee di design
I like the emphasis on CLUB in the middle of the logo with Summers Corner secondary. Thinking maybe a circular design with Club in the middle to make it stand out.
File finali del contest
1 x Logo
Vincitore di questo contest
1 x Biglietti da visita
1 x Carta intestata
1 x Busta
1 x Immagine di copertina Facebook
File finali
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