Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore SYFL_
Idee per il tema e lo stile
I am looking for sleek, modern and cutting-edge. I do not like noisy jerseys.
Dettagli di contenuto
Tipo di abbigliamento
Jerseys for all our sports
Descrizione dell'abbigliamento e scopo
We do a sports league with soccer, basketball, baseball, flag football, rugby, and volleyball. We are looking to rebrand all of our uniforms (just tops only).
Teams will get to choose a color for their team. The same design will be applied to all teams with just the color changing.
These jerseys will be fully sublimated so you can be creative! I don't like noisy jerseys.
I have uploaded some samples that I like.
The logo is AZCLUBPREP and has been uploaded. If you want to simplify the logo to just be "CP" or "CLUBPREP", that is fine.
The red, white and blue shield logo is for the parent organization "USA Rec Sports". If you can put that logo somewhere that would be great. Also, please consider leaving some room for sponsor logos.
- Jersey number
- Possibly the logo at the top
USA flag should be somewhere. Maybe on a sleeve?
Che cosa evitare
Noisy designs
Immagini di stock
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