We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography

di nicolrM
  • Il 18% (12) dei designer attivi hanno ricevuto un commento
  • 7% dei design è stato valutato o declinato
  • 1 contest (0 rimborsi)
  • Contest veloce (fast track)
    Dopo la fase di qualificazione il cliente selezionerà il design vincitore. Non ci sarà una fase finale.
  • Garantito
    Il cliente ha garantito il premio del contest.
  • Osservatori (10)
Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore HyperMode™ !

design vincente


#171 di cytone
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di cytone
#159 di topeng4
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di topeng4
#158 di topeng4
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di topeng4
#157 di topeng4
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di topeng4
#146 di FESA7
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di FESA7
#145 di ironmaiden™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ironmaiden™
#143 di mirza yaumil
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di mirza yaumil
#142 di mirza yaumil
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di mirza yaumil
#139 di <<{P}>>
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di <<{P}>>
#135 di ironmaiden™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ironmaiden™
#129 di BrandingDesigner
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di BrandingDesigner
#127 di MariaDias
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#126 di MariaDias
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#125 di MariaDias
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#124 di MariaDias
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#122 di MariaDias
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#121 di MariaDias
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#115 di Amethys
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Amethys
#107 di MariaDias
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di MariaDias
#103 di nmxdsgns™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di nmxdsgns™
#101 di Panjie
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Panjie
#100 di Amethys
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Amethys
#98 di arasiart
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di arasiart
#97 di Panjie
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Panjie
#96 di R.one
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di R.one
#94 di R.one
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di R.one
#87 di mark992
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di mark992
#86 di 3whales studio
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di 3whales studio
#84 di forenoon
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di forenoon
#82 di ChioP
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#81 di ChioP
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#80 di ChioP
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#79 di ChioP
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#78 di ChioP
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#77 di ChioP
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ChioP
#73 di betiatto
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di betiatto