Libretto is a word game that you play on your mobile phone. It's something like Scrabble, but not a clone. This game will appeal to anyone who loves word games, and we'll probably have more female players than male players.
Giochi e svago
Tipi di logo
Logo testuale
Spiegazione astratta del logo
Struttura per lettera
Logo che devono essere usati
Non specificato
Preferenze relative ai colori
I'd like to explore the following colors:Let designers make suggestions
Libretto is a word game played with lettered tiles (but without point values). Every similar game out there (Scrabble, Words With Friends, Lexulous) uses lettered tiles to form its logo, and this seems inescapable. Can you think outside the boxes? In Libretto, each player attempts to make a path of letters, so it would be a bonus if the logo conveyed this idea, but that's not essential.
The shape should be horizontal and should fit into the space at the top of the attached graphic, which is our main game board. The colors of the logo should look good in this setting.
We'll also need a square icon for the game. As this should match the logo, we'd love to see your ideas for this. Lexulous already uses the letter "L" on a playing tile as their icon so we'd need something different. Providing an icon is optional, of course.
Please note that "Libretto" is just a name for this Scrabble-like word game, and the game has nothing to do with the meaning of the word "libretto."
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Il testo nei loghi dovrebbe essere convertito in bozze.