Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
Harbin Woodworking Co
Slogan da inserire nel logo
Descrizione della società e del suo target
We make custom cutting boards and high end tables.
Arredamento per la casa
Colori da sperimentare

Altri requisiti di colore
Caratteristiche dello stile
Idee di design
The biggest thing I am looking for is something that’s has the company name that’s easy to read, while also having a Sub Mark logo, something I can separate from the name and stand on its own. I do like the idea of a circular logo, so that it’ll fit betters as a profile picture and can go on shirts. However I am not married to the idea of a circle. This is a logo I plan on putting on everything I sell that will end up in someone else’s home or business so I need it to be sophisticated, luxurious and relatively simple.
I don’t have anything specific for colors, but natural and neutral come to mind. If possible I would like the RGB and CMKY of any colors used.
The name is kind of long, and originality isn’t my strong suit (obviously) but my aspirations are that this logo stands out and becomes easily recognizable.
This logo will be etched into cutting boards, tables, put on future packaging, used as a watermark on photos, used as my profile picture and be seen on my e-commerce store. This logo really is the style I plan on building my business off of. I plan on wearing this logo on custom shirts and hats. I really want this to be something I am proud of and use for many years to come.
Thank you to anyone that participates, this truly means the world to me!
File finali del contest
1 x Logo
File finali
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Il testo nei loghi dovrebbe essere convertito in bozze.
I like the simplicity