Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
Slogan da inserire nel logo
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Our company is deploying the next generation of protein ingredients by fermentation. The ingredient we have developped is named Yusto, looks like a beige powder similar to a flour. It is used as a flour in the preparation of vegan food such as plant based burgers, non dairy cheeses, spreads, snacks, sports protein bar, and many more.
Yusto stands for "Y" for yeast (type of organism we are growing in the fermentation) and "usto" for Gusto: "taste" in spanish, italian, portuguese.
Yusto benefits:
- Nutrition: high protein content, suitable for protein rich foods
- Taste: great umami taste (umami looks like chicken bouillon), can help to reduce salt in food formulation
- well being: great for gastro intestinal health, rich in vitamins & minerals
Cibo e Bevande
Colori da sperimentare
Altri requisiti di colore
1 color must be RGB: #32803A - 50, 128, 58
This is one of the colors of our company logo
The other color can be everything appart from orange (#F39C12) that is already used for a similar product but for animal feed market.
We would like a flashy color to have a fun and trendy communication on our product Yusto
Caratteristiche dello stile
Idee di design
I have attached our company logo (Arbiom), and the logo of our product for the feed market called Sylpro. you will see the green I mentioned previously is used as one of the colors of SylPro logo.
I would like a completely different style for Yusto, to clearly separate the communication by market.
Other pictures are pictures of the ingredient Yusto so you can see how it looks like
File finali del contest
1 x Logo
File finali
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