Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore MS Designs97
Informazioni di base
Nome dell'organizzazione
Anchorage Reentry Coalition/Partners Reentry Center
Sociale e Non-Profit
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Community organizing focused around prisoner reentry efforts in Anchorage, AK & case management of people who are returning from the community from incarceration.
The primary target audience are adults that are incarcerated that might qualify for these service; the secondary audience are staff people that may be in a position to refer individuals into this program.
Dettagli di contenuto
We are looking for a two-sided flyer to provide information about a service that is available to qualified people who are returning to the community from incarceration in Anchorage. It is meant to be educational, informative, inviting, and look cool & modern (lots of stuff inside prison is old and dilapidated). Although we want a color flyer, we need a product that is friendly to black & white printing. To the extent possible, we want to be sensitive to low-literacy readers.
We currently have a one-sided flyer but are interested to see what updates and enhancements could be made to make it stand out and encourage more engagement in this service. We want to avoid cliche imagery associated with prison, jail, freedom, etc.
Immagini di stock
Il cliente non sa se vuole delle immagini di stock o no per questo contest.
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Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.