Idee di design
Colori da sperimentare
Altri requisiti di colore
Nome del prodotto
Gevriesdroogde mix
Descrizione del prodotto
A freeze dried fruit mix.
To eat as a ''healthy'' snack,
Nothing added, no allergens, chrunchy , 100% fruit.
Label for supermarkets, retail
Descrizione della categoria e del target group che desideri raggiungere
People that like a snack thats healthy, also for childs
Visione creativa
Caratteristiche dello stile
Richieste di design
A etiket made for a white background,
We like when used a combination of the icons and the freeze dried fruits in front, example freeze dried fruit piece with arrow tekst strawberry ore something. Ore come out as explosion. bt on the end it has to look attractive to eat and a touch of health.
On the front label has to be clearly that there are: no allergens, 100% fruit, chrunch.
Font and colors is yours.
Label totaal: 6,5 cm high / wide: 20 cm
We like new vision!
Che cosa evitare
Don t use real fruits.
Better do not make a full colour even background, background is good, only not the full area.
Dimensioni del packaging
6,5 high, 20 cm
Immagini di stock
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File finali del contest
1 x Etichetta di Prodotto
File finali
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